238. The other continent.

I figure since I've robbed most of the good stuff I need for now I guess it's time to visit the other continent. There's a lot of nice things over there like the golden crow and the evil gods lightning seed. There is also the other half of the sky poison pearl and half of the Divine Medical Manual.

I apparate over and begin searching using my divine sense. Until I locate an older man wandering around he has a nasty poisonous aura periodically bursting out killing off plants and animals. I pop on over in front of the startled man.

"Hello I see your having a tough time with the sky poison pearl." I use my profound energy and drag the little pearl over sucking it into my hand. It binds back together with the other half then goes even further and binds together with the evil infant wheel.

I get a notification about being able to produce World Destroying poison. It has some more titles but all in all I could wipe out life in the universe. Let's just not ever use that okay?

I put my attention back on the doctor who looks to be in relief that there's no more nasty poisons bursting out from the pearl. "I heard your a saintly doctor in this continent and also own half of The Divine medicine manual. I'd like to offer you a job with some of the greatest medical minds in the world."

This man happens you be Yun ches old master in doctor training. There's some messed up time travel stuff involved in his reincarnations. Back before Yun Che died he used the sky poison pearl to kill millions to avenge the death of this old man and was hunted down until he threw himself into the gorge I had explored earlier.

"Can you explain more about this job?" he asks curiously. The old man had only one desire and that was being a better doctor. I grab his shoulder and pop him into the kingdom. I show him towards the hospital and introduce him to Tsunade and Dr.Cullen. They explain all sorts of medical mumbo jumbo and show off all kinds of nice equipment and facilities. The old man happily agrees and I also get the medical manual. I can't get the other half for quite a while as it hidden in some area of samsara or something. In my previous life i hadn't gotten that far into the story so at some point we are going to be flying blind boys. (A/N seriously though I have no idea how many chapters in the story I'm behind as I got to the Realm of Gods Competition than ran out of chapters.)

I make my way back outside and start scanning around again looking for my next target. There she is with my marked items. I apparate again in front of the now adult su ling'er. "Wow 10 years and you've turned into a stunning beauty little ling'er." I say as I pat the girls head. I'm practically tackled to the floor by a teary eyed young lady as she had been expecting me to show up since she could feel me through the items I gave her.

"What took you so long?! Don't you know it's rude to make a lady wait?" She says hugging me with muffled sobs.

I just pat her back and apoligze. After some explaining I pop her into the kingdom so the girls can show her around.

Next stop is the golden crows valley. I find the lightning seed and do the usual before heading off to steal myself a golden crow. I do the usual snatch and grab not giving it a chance to even talk.

Finally it's time to drop of the grandfather and check on the demon realm kingdom. I dissappear off to the demon kingdom which is pretty close by and appear right in the throne room.

"I take it your the demon queen caiyi." I ask the girl sitting on the throne. Before popping out my grandfather who was apparently the strongest fighter for the kingdom.

If I remember correctly the whole kingdom is about to go through a kind of rebellion because this queen can't use the golden crows power simple because she has the wrong body for it. Not to mention she has all the weak backers and in a cultivation world if your not strong you can't really be expected to hold a position of power.

After a bit of explaining who I was with grandfather yuns help everything went smoothly until I dropped the bomb I had stolen the golden crow.

"You will return it." She commanded of me.

"Uh you should probably watch your tone with me I'm not one of your subjects and there's not a soul strong enough in this kingdom to even pose a threat to me." this reply threw her off gaurd.

"That is the legacy of the royal family and without it and the royal seal I can't control my people." She says with a panicking tone.

"Well grandfather has the seal so there's one. as for the golden crow it can only be used by males. So your pretty shit out of luck." I say shrugging my shoulders.

She thinks about this for a moment before a wide grin appears on her face. "Well since your the strongest in the kingdom and have done us a great honor in returning the royal seal I as queen hereby wed myself to you, From this moment forth you'll be the demon king."

Me who was at this point browsing through a little orange book about a naughty big sister wasn't really paying attention. "Yeah sure whatever you say." Agreed without even knowing what happened before the seal engulfs me in a light signifying acceptance into the royal family and binding her to me as my wife.

Now at this point I'd have to be an idiot not to know something had happened. "Ah shit." now I know how kakashi gets into so much trouble all the time.

"Whatever I suppose. As my first kingly order call a meeting of all the families with their heads. If anyone doesn't show up they will be deemed as a traitor and dealt with." I tell her who raises an eyebrow.

I'll just add the kingdom to mine. I'll have to get rid of all the traitors though.

Soon the hall is crowded with all the family heads and young masters. "Greeting everyone first order of business is I've brought back your strongest protector and the royal family seal." I shout giving myself a round of applause and looking at some shocked and wary people. "Next order of business is your beautiful queen has married herself to me making me the new king and it has been accepted by the seal." I say taking out the glowing seal. Noone can refute the glowing seal.

"You guys are all ordered to take a nice drink to celebrate my new marriage if anyone doesn't wish me well I'll have the great protector over here break your legs." I magically float some drinks to everyone who is now sweating. I had put some veritaserum in the drink and waited til everyone had drunk.

"Now are you loyal to the royal family." I shout out. There's quite a few yes answers but even more no's. My magic starts firing off stunning the people who said no before wrapping them in chains.

After a few moments they wake up from their dazed state. "I would like to thank each and everyone one of your for donating most of your family wealth and volunteering yourselves to stay behind while the rest of the people get to join the new prospering kingdom I built." I had stolen the whole kingdom like I did in the game of thrones world basically what was left was the traitors and their family they hadn't done anything to me so I will just leave them here in a barren wasteland.

The new citizen will go through questioning and anyone who doesn't want to stay or is a total dick will be tossed out. Cassie starts going through people's minds in the kingdom before quite a few are booted out and some even tossed into hell. I'd given Cassie this ability for short term to help with the kingdoms stability. Anyone who is bad for the kingdom is tossed out and any rapists or murderers are tossed into the hell zone.