244. Little chat with the boys.

While I'm growing up in the devil household I think it's time for a small you with the fun people.

You guys.

The lovely readers.

The people bored out of their minds just browsing for some stuff to waste away time and enjoy.

Now let's chat a little about your lovely author for a second.

Me the fabulous Ryan. Three time winner of witches weekly best smile award... Wrong persona my bad.

I'm just another reader like you guys who got bored one day and decided hey its 3am on a fucking Monday I've got nothing better to do and I can't fucking sleep.

Had about a billion ideas in my head with zero fucking writing skills. And today I still have a billion fucking ideas with like half a writing skill. I'm working on it.

Now like every other person I have these moments where I want to read a specific book or fanfic. Like Tuesday I'd want to read Naruto or Thursday I'm feeling kind of piratey. Maybe there's a day I just want to nap and think about a Pokémon adventure.

The point of this is. I could be in the middle of a world and just have a total bipolar change of mind or get bored for a minute or maybe have a few ideas and I just decided. Hey fuck this world for now let's go pick up some ladies.

I also may have a small problem putting what I think into words as I've literally always fucking hated writing anything ever. I could be thinking of a beautiful forest with lush green trees surrounded by falling leaves with a crisp smell of woods. but what's usually gunna be typed by my retarded fingers is. Yo it's a forest man.

Most of these stories have hundreds if not thousands of chapters I could rip and tear stories out of them for hours and have basically a story loaded down with bullshit fillers but that's no fun.

I'm rambling here but the point is just treat me as a hyperactive child that loses focus if given sugar or I just finished reading a fan fic.

Now let's talk about some of the stories I am interested in writing about. First off I want to do a Pokémon adventure with Luna, hinata, and karin. I'm gunna fucking do it. I plan to replace Ash cause he's absolute shit seriously fuck him.

Next up I was thinking about star wars, one piece, and tales of demons and gods. As for danmachi and against the gods I am going to revisit them and do stories on them. I enjoy both of those worlds.

So I enjoy reading all the comments I get and I usually try to respond to everything. Just keep in mind I literally just type out what the fuck ever pops into my head as soon as I wake up. one day I could be feeling happy and just have a spectacular day and I write a happy story. The next day I could be grumpy I didn't get enough sleep and start killing off enemies out of nowhere. Just remember folks people including main characters have off days.

it happens bros.

Next thing is. I do this shit for fun. I do it for free. and if my story isn't making me have fun I'll warp that bitch til it does man.

This story is for the better part organized chaos. so far I've gotten 95% good remarks from everyone. As for those other 5% fuck you.

So let's just get a nice round of applause for you guys being positive and keeping me motivated honestly this is the most conversation I've had in years.

Most of the time I stay to myself I don't talk to others and I just enjoy my quiet time. I don't use my cell I don't talk on messengers and I don't have discord. Shit if you guys wanted to donate to me I don't even have one of those.

I'm just a regular guy who is single *ladies* who enjoys watching survival videos, hydraulic press videos, and videos of people melting stuff on yt. I also enjoy cats and random fail compilations.

My favorite starter Pokémon is Squirtle fuck you charmander noobs.

Enough about my awesomeness I'm just letting you guys know what's up with random chapters and shit.

It's 2020 boys so keep eating ass and just go with it.