Heir of chaos.

Since I've been sick the past few days and haven't been able to post much I decided to post my other little fanfic I had been using to practice some of my writing skills on its titled Heir of Chaos. Starts out in the Harry Potter world but it's different from this start. So far there has been absolutely zero copying from any of the original books. There will be other worlds featured but for now it was like i said something for me to practice with. I have trouble slowing down and describing people and things so I have been working on fixing that on my own time. Since I haven't given you guys much to read since I've been sick I've posted over 40 chapters in that today just as a treat for you all enjoy. Btw I'm still a little sick but doing much better than you all for the well wishes. And no I won't be dropping any of my novels or anything. I'm just resting up.