Gu Family's two girls (2)

Happy events refresh the spirit. Grandpa Gu had arranged this family banquet in anticipation of seeing Gu Yu and Xu Weilai return as a happy and affectionate couple. But after an entire day of waiting and looking forward to it, he was met with only Xu Weilai, arriving by herself. He couldn't help but heave a deep sigh.

The rest of Gu's family had already arrived a while before, and they were all gathered together in the living room.

There sat Grandpa Gu, flanked by Gu Xue and Gu Shuang. The two girls incessantly called his name, chiming one after another, "grandpa this," and "grandpa that." 

As Xu Weilai obediently greeted everyone, she could see the disappointment in Grandpa Gu's eyes. She gently held his hand, and in a whisper, she explained, "Grandpa, Gu Yu, he... he's a little busy, so he can't come today. Allow me to apologize to you for him."