Let's Divorce (1)

While insulting his uncle, he had also underhandedly praised his new wife; he'd called Xu Weilai beautiful! This skillful dressing down had not only stopped the man in his tracks, but had also left him with no legs to stand on in this conversation!

Gu Xiong's eldest son, Gu Feng, already had a grudge against Gu Yu because his precious little sister was practically smitten with him. Now, his father had been harshly humiliated in front of him, and his expression became cross. He stopped hiding his hostility and said, "Yu, a wife is supposed to be chosen based on her virtuosity, but you married a woman with such an infamous reputation, instead! If everyone else found out that the two of you got married, our Gu family would become a laughingstock!"

His disdain and disrespect shone through clearly when he didn't even bother using Xu Weilai's name, straight up calling her a "thing."