You Won’t Be Able to Walk out of Here (2)

Pang Hai had interacted with many different kinds of people before, but this was his first time dealing with someone as savage as Gu Yu. Shooting daggers out his eyes, his voice turned ominous as he asked, "Do you expect me to thank your wife for destroying my business?"

The man replied, "You may if you want to, but that's not necessary!"

"Well done, Gu Yu. Today, I'll make sure that you won't be able to walk out of here alive!" He pulled out a pistol from under the couch and kicked the coffee table away. Standing in front of Gu Yu, he aimed the cold metal gun right between his eyes!


When Xu Weilai woke up, her mind was blank. Her head was hurting, her body was cold and aching, and she felt very uncomfortable everywhere. Her nose was blocked and her throat felt like it was on fire.

She stared at the white ceiling in a daze for a good minute or so before she regained consciousness.