Despair Is the Greatest Sorrow (1)

Xu Weilai had trouble sleeping well, and the chime from her phone woke her up from her light sleep instantaneously. Her long curled eyelashes quivered slightly before she slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were still dazed until she inadvertently met the dark eyes of the man hovering above her. His expression was cold, disdainful, and faraway. His eyes were like a bottomless abyss.

It was a look she was most familiar with, and it was identical to what she had seen in her nightmare. For a moment, Xu Weilai was unable to decipher if she was actually awake, or still in her nightmare.

Their eyes met for a few seconds. As Xu Weilai's consciousness gradually returned, she knew that this wasn't a dream, but reality. She instinctively lowered her eyes to break the eye contact.

She had not expected Gu Yu to visit her.