Archrivals (2)

However Xu Weilai didn't possess any positive feelings towards her either, and it wasn't just because of the rivalry. More importantly, Zhou Meiqi wasn't anything like her. Although Xu Weilai had a strong desire to earn money, and would resort to a few tricks occasionally during the investigation process, she still kept to her own principles and did what was within limits. No matter what she did, she would never involve any innocent individual.

Zhou Meiqi, on the other hand, was infamous for her underhanded tactics and the extreme extents she would go to for the sake of a news article. She had once made use of somebody else's child, and had even forced the innocent child to live in the public eye. The child was severely harassed and suffered from psychological trauma as a result. From that article, she gained fame and fortune, but she ruined the child's life in the process.