When Can He Eat Spicy Food? (2)

"Please come in." After hearing those words, Xiao Chun pushed the door open. She walked in elegantly in her high heels and stopped in front of the office desk.

She glanced at the lunchboxes. Seeing that he had finished all the food cleanly, she pursed her lips slightly. The next second, she smiled and placed the files in her hand on the table.

"I need you to look through these documents and sign them for me."

Gu Yu took a file casually and waved it. With a cold tone, he said, "Sending files isn't part of the job description for a manager. If your secretary can't even do this, then he can leave. Gu Corporation has no need for useless people!"

Xiao Chun lowered her eyelids. She still maintained the smile on her face as she mumbled unhappily, "Brother Yu, do you have to be so businesslike? People who don't know us might think that we're unrelated!"