I want... pillow talk (1)

She was caught off guard as Gu Yu shifted his gaze to her. Her heart wavered slightly as she put on a tight smile before whispering, "I made a cup of coffee for you. Would you like it?"

Gu Yu's slender fingers tapped lightly on the screen, before replying lazily, "Come in."

After placing the coffee on the table, Xu Weilai pushed it towards his arm slightly while maintaining her smile. "No sugar, less milk, right?"

Gu Yu's long eyelashes fluttered slightly. Lowering his eyelids, he stared at the steaming hot cup of coffee. The tone of his voice suddenly dropping low as he asked, "You still remember?"

Xu Weilai's gaze also settled on that cup of coffee. With a nod, she replied, "I do."

In truth, she wanted to forget everything about Gu Yu. However, it felt as if those memories were engraved in her bones. Even if she wanted to forget them, she couldn't.