I'll teach you (2)

He'll teach her? Teach what?

Upon realizing that he meant that he'll teach her how to pillow talk, Xu Weilai could feel heat rush up to her head. Her face and neck were flushed, the temperature rising. She couldn't even bring herself to speak.

Unlike his past self, Gu Yu didn't just start kissing her without further explanation. Instead, he acted oddly cordial as he lazily added, "If you don't want to, you can refuse to."

Xu Weilai was left speechless, feeling both embarrassed and anxious. Why didn't he normally give her the option to refuse? He was a wolf in sheep's clothing, so why would he act like a gentleman!

Xu Weilai bit on her lip, not saying a word. Raising her arm, she immediately grabbed his neck and pecked a kiss on his lips. Or rather, she bit on it…

With the rage boiling within her, she was merciless in her advances. She bit a tiny hole into his lip, allowing blood to trickle from the wound.