The battle of the past and new lovers (2)

Xiao Chun took another step forward, closing the gap between her and Su Ziqian. Bending over slightly, she leaned towards Su Ziqian's ear. "You've overestimated yourself, fool, do you wish to compete with Weilai?" she said, enunciating every word clearly.

Having been left speechless, Su Ziqian had gritted her teeth so hard that she almost broke them, "What do you mean? Yu's plus one tonight is Xu Weilai?"

Xiao Chun scoffed before straightening up, not wishing to waste another breath on her. Not even wishing to give her a second look, Xiao Chun strode confidently back to Xu Shuai's side and smiled at him as she gracefully held onto his arm. "Let's go in."

Xu Shuai's gaze shifted from her face onto Su Ziqian's. Though he didn't hear what they were whispering to each other, he could just about guess what they talked about.