Turns out you enjoy this type of play (1)

Xu Weilai woke up naturally. When she awakened, she realized... why were her hands tied up?

Wait... that resistance band looked familiar, wasn't it the one she used to tie Gu Yu's hands together with the night before? After she pushed Gu Yu off the previous night, he still refused to let go of her. So, she decided to tie his hands together before releasing herself from his hold.

Why had it ended up on her instead after a good night's sleep? Did the resistance band develop a mind of its own, and learn to tie itself onto someone, or was she hallucinating?

"You're awake?"

Beside her, the man's deep and stale voice suddenly called out. Xu Weilai recognized the voice. She paused for a moment before her eyes widened and she looked over.

Gu Yu sat on the other side of the bed. His gaze shifted to her, the devious smile playing on his lips made her back stiffen up involuntarily...