Missing the Taste of Coffee With Milk (1)

Gu Yu moved his lips and spoke each word carefully, "Gu Corporation has always conducted its business in line with the regulations, and we will not tolerate any mistreatment of the workers or dishonesty. We have investigated this incident thoroughly and found that one person was abusing his position to suppress his subordinates behind his superiors' backs and embezzle funds. The company has thus been handled severely. Regarding the specific details, the Gu Corporation will hold a press conference tomorrow to provide all of you with an honest explanation of the incident!"

One truly had to admit that Gu Corporation was formidable! Within the short span of two days, they were able to uncover the truth and provide the results with astonishingly flawless efficiency!

Gu Yu himself possessed a certain charisma that allowed workers to feel comforted and mollified.

However, the next moment had changed that.