My Money's Yours (1)

Xu Weilai thought that she misheard him. It was only after she met that cold gaze of his that she knew she didn't hear him wrong.

She asked in shock, "Why not?"

She was just going to work. It wasn't like she was going out to see another guy...

Xu Weilai's inky eyes flicked around the room. Having been struck with an idea, she added, "Gu Yu, are you worried about my body again? Don't worry, my wound has already healed fully. I'm fine, I swear!"

Although she could feel that her body was not as well as it was before, there wasn't much of a difference anyway. The wound wouldn't affect her that much!

A distant look remained in Gu Yu's eyes, an unreadable emotion lying within as he remained silent for a moment. Without answering her, he decided to change the topic. "Earlier, you mentioned that you're working yourself to the bone because you wanted to be able to earn one billion dollars as soon as possible to return to me, right?"