I believe in you (1)

Yun Rou's mournful cry of pain shocked everyone. When they looked over, one of her hands had been pierced by a small knife. Blood dripped down. It was a shocking sight.

Yun Rou was in so much pain that her beautiful facial features became distorted. Her face had lost all color, and her entire body was trembling. Her eyes were filled with pain as she waited for Xu Weilai to accuse her, "Xu Weilai, everything I said is the truth. You actually want to break my hand. How am I supposed to play the piano in the future... "

Xu Weilai stared blankly at the knife in her hand.

Her hunch wasn't wrong, but she didn't expect Yun Rou to be so vicious. She was willing to sacrifice one of her hands to drag her into hell!

Yun Rou, she must have gone crazy!?

The blood in Xu Weilai's body couldn't help but freeze. Her body quickly lost its temperature. It was so cold that her teeth were chattering.