One of Us (1)

"He's so adorable!" Xu Weilai gushed.

It was no wonder that she would fall for Gu Yu and love him so dearly.

He could be overbearing or gentle when the situation calls for it. While he appeared to be cold initially, but he gradually warmed up over time and now, she realised that he could be adorable as well.

It was hard for Xu Weilai not to like him when he was multifaceted and excelled in all areas.

Since Xu Weilai had obtained Gu Yu's permission, she naturally wouldn't forgo the opportunity and when she hugged Xu Zhanwang tightly in her arms, her nose inevitably began to sting.

She had encountered a serious incident and if it wasn't for Gu Yu's ability to turn the tides today, she would have been jailed. However, neither of her parents showed up.

They were supposed to tide through this with her and yet it seemed as if they couldn't wait to cut ties with her.