Suspected Marital Change (1)

The CEO of Gu Corporatio, Gu Yu, is suspected of a marital change, and was secretly meeting with the heiress of Zuo Corporation!

This headline made Xu Weilai's dark eyes freeze. For a moment, it was as if she was illiterate. She stared at the line of words for a long time without any reaction. When the phone screen darkened, her stunned and dazed face was reflected on the screen.

About a minute later, her long eyelashes fluttered a few times. Her fingers stiffly and slowly lit up the phone screen again and unlocked it. After hesitating for a few seconds, she clicked on the news.

It said that Gu Yu and the heiress of Zuo Corporation had been going on dates for a week. There were reporters who took photos of Gu Yu sending flowers to the heiress of Zuo Corporation, the two of them having a candlelit dinner, and they even went on a night tour of the city together!