No Men Is Good (2)

Xu Weilai took the divorce agreement and looked down to read it. The contents were exactly as she had instructed. and Gu Yu had already signed his signature.

She had seen his signature on the company documents he had signed before, and it was the same as this.

In his heart, this marriage might not even be as important as one of his company's projects. It was just... a dispensable deal.

From the moment Gu Yu proposed the divorce until now, she felt a somewhat anguished, but perhaps... it was too unreal. She kept feeling that it wasn't real.

It was just like those three years when she was abroad. Even if she had nightmares, when she woke up, she would know that it was just a dream. There was nothing to be afraid of.

But at this moment, it seemed that only now did she realize that... it wasn't a dream.

Xu Weilai suddenly closed the divorce agreement. She lowered her head and didn't raise it again. She only said in a sullen voice, "Go in."