From Now On, We’re Neighbors (1)

The duo exchanged a look and after Zuo Si closed the door to her apartment, walked into Xu Weilai's apartment with her stilettos on as if she was entering her own house. She then walked right up to Xu Weilai and stopped before her.

Zuo Si inspected Xu Weilai keenly before she asked, "We met yesterday, remember?"

Although Zuo Si's behaviour was rather abrupt and rude, one would inevitably overlook this because of how powerful her aura was.

Xu Weilai did not expect Zuo Si to take the initiative to greet her and, being uncertain of what to expect from Zuo Si, she faced her calmly and nodded gently before she replied, "Yes, I remember you, Miss Zuo."

"Are you alright after returning home yesterday?"Zuo Si inquired lazily.

Xu Weilai nodded and assured, "I'm fine."