He Was Once a Devoted Man (2)

After Xu Weilai exited from the elevator, made her way straight for the conference room.

By the time she arrived, the conference room was already in a state of mess. Members of the upper management were all crowding around a group of people who were embroiled in a fight and everyone stared with their mouths agape.

Xu Weilai quickly pushed her way through the crowd and soon spotted her younger brother, Xu Zhanwang, who seemed extremely angry. His eyes were fixed on the Gu Yu, who was completely expressionless, and he had balled up his fists so tightly that she could almost hear the sound of his knuckles cracking.

Gu Xue was standing by his side and tugging his arm to stop him from charging at Gu Yu.

Meanwhile, Assistant Lin was standing between them and was anxiously trying to persuade Xu Zhanwang and mediate the situation.