If The Enemy Did Not Move, Neither Would I (1)

Xu Weilai could feel Gu Yu's body trembling slightly and his footsteps were staggered. He was even sweating all the time. Her hand could feel the chill in his skin even though it was separated by the shirt he was wearing.

Previously, she only felt that he had become thinner. Now that she was supporting him, he was obviously thinner than she had thought, and so much lighter.

Gu Yu was not only unwell, he seems to be seriously sick.

As Xu Weilai walked, thousands of guesses ran through her mind. Both of them had reached the apartment door before she realized. Unexpectedly, Gu Yu pulled back his hand from her grip. He then grabbed her wrist and pulled her forward.

Xu Weilai was caught off guard by the sudden movement. She was dragged forward by a few steps, while Gu Yu retreated behind the apartment door.

The door slammed behind her mercilessly with a bang.