Does It Matter If It's True or Not? (2)

"Belittling MYself?"

Xu Weilai repeated what he had said. Seemingly amused by what she just heard, she pushed Zuo an's hand away and turned to face him before she emphasized, "Yesterday, you deliberately tasked me with searching for information so that I would knock off late and bump into Gu Yu in the elevator, didn't you?"

Zuo An stared fixedly at her.

"If I'm not wrong, the elevator malfunction was definitely not an accident and was also part of your plan, isn't it?"

After a moment of silence, Zuo An replied, "Weilai, you were once a reporter. I'm sure you know that evidence is required to back up any claims that you make."

However, Xu Weilai merely sneered and replied, "Why are you so afraid? Are you worried that I'll record down what you said or trick you into telling the truth?"