Would You Even Understand What Love Is? (2)

"Great, that's just what I needed," Xu Weilai thought.

She took in a deep breath of air and, pretending as if nothing had happened, replied mechanically like a standard customer service officer, "Alright, please wait for a moment."

She then rose to her feet and made her way towards the pantry.

Her colleagues, who had gathered in groups to gossip about her, immediately dispersed when they saw her and returned to their seats as if nothing had happened.

Xu Weilai could easily tell that they were discussing probably discussing the events that happened at the cocktail party yesterday.

As she was in an awkward position, to begin with, none of her colleagues dared to warm up to her. Now that this had happened, things became even worse.

From everyone's point of view, she was simply an ex-wife who couldn't let go of the past.