They Were Getting Intimate (1)

Xu Weilai reflexively lowered her head and saw Zuo An's dry, warm hand on hers. Even though his grip was loose, she felt protected and supported.

A sudden realisation came to Xu Weilai.

She was saddened every time she saw Gu Yu and Zuo Si together. But Zuo An's hand on hers at this moment felt as if he wanted to tell her he would be there by her side.

Besides that, Zuo An likely wanted to show Gu Yu that she was doing well without him by her side. Although Gu Yu had a beautiful woman by his side, she wasn't alone either with him by her side.

Actually, Xu Weilai no longer felt as sad after she got used to seeing them together for multiple times. But it was undeniable that Zuo An's thoughtfulness comforted her.

No one wanted to face a fight alone. Two person taking on the battle side by side would still better than one facing a battle alone.