I Want You to Kill Him with Your Own Hands (1)

After ending the call, Zuo An looked up at Qiao Chu who was seated in the driver's seat. "Start the car," he instructed.

Qiao Chu swept one glance at the unconscious Xu Weilai through the rearview mirror and let out a silent sigh before he started the engine and slammed on the accelerator. The car then pulled out slowly.


Xu Weilai was shrouded by a sea of darkness when she finally regained consciousness.

She was stunned for a few seconds before memories slowly flooded into her mind. She recalled that Zuo An had brought her to pay respects to his mother in the cemetery and subsequently, he confronted her about what happened last night. Towards the end, he had told her that his father wanted him to get kill her.

He then mentioned that he couldn't bear to do it but at the same time, he also couldn't afford to lose and thus, she would have to become his girl if she wanted to live. She would also have to become someone whom he could trust.