I Want To Turn Myself In (1)

Xu Weilai had no intention of hiding from Zuo An. Zuo An looked at her slender and fair fingers as she pressed 110 without any hesitation.

In just half a second, Zuo An already knew what she wanted to do. He subconsciously wanted to reach out to stop her.

But, his actions were still too slow. Before he could lift his hand, the call was already connected. He heard Xu Weilai's calm and determined voice entering his ears word by word.

"Hello, I want to turn myself in."

Zuo An's entire body froze. He sat on the chair in a daze. He was even more shocked now as compared to when he found out that Xu Weilai had voted for Zuo Si.

Or rather, he wasn't too astounded when Xu Weilai voted for Zuo Si. When he gave half of his shares to Xu Weilai, he was already gambling.

He gave the chips to Xu Weilai to bet on whether Xu Weilai would choose him.