He Wanted to See Her (2)

Xu Weilai's mother rubbed her hands together with a fawning smile. "Yu, since you're here, why not come in and rest for a bit and have breakfast? You must have spent the night in the car, it must be very uncomfortable for you. Leave after you feel better."

She studied Gu Yu's expression. "You came to see Weilai, am I right? I'll call her and ask her to come back. You two can have a good chat over breakfast."

She had already thought it over. Since Gu Yu came looking for Xu Weilai and waited for her in the car for the entire night, there were still chances for them to get back together. She would never let this opportunity slip.

Xu Weilai's father realised a little later on what she was trying to do. He quickly regained his senses and echoed his wife's invitation, "Yes, since you don't come by often, do come in and have a seat."

Gu Yu wanted to refuse, but stopped when Xu Weilai's mother offered to summon Xu Weilai home.