
Ye Tianlong opened his eyes again. Just beside him, a corner of the flower bed had been severely split, and the gravel in it was dashed out. He quickly looked at Shen Chen. He looked happy but puzzled.

"Remember what you said today!" Shen Chen put the Black Blade back in its sheath. His eyes were fixed on Ye Tianlong. He added, "If one day you let me find out your evil deeds, you will die without a burial place!"

Shen Chen's words made Ye Tianlong shiver. His eyes showed a deep fear. He stammered, "No... no... no! I haven't done and will never do anything harmful to others! I swear!"

Shen Chen didn't speak anymore. As soon as they entered the residential building, they saw Ye Xiaoyu and Guo Yuan standing at the door and waiting for them. When Ye Xiaoyu saw Shen Chen, her eyes suddenly shone with joy. She was so happy she wanted to raise her hand to wave at Shen Chen, but she suddenly thought of something, and her face turned red. She looked so awkward.