Perfect Breakthrough!

Shen Chen wasn't at all fazed. In fact, he was taking his own sweet time. He hadn't even unsheathed the Black Blade. Holding it up horizontally seemed to suffice in stopping the zombie from moving forward, so Shen Chen gave the zombie a hard kick! Plonk, plonk, plonk! The zombie promptly rolled down the stairs.

"Ooh, there goes a zombie!"

"It's too dark! I can't see anything!"

Guo Yuan and Ye Xiaoyu's hearts lurched in fear. It wasn't that they didn't have faith in Shen Chen's abilities. In fact, had it been bright, they wouldn't have had any doubt that Shen Chen could take out the zombies, no matter how many there were. But in a dark environment where visibility was low, the zombies had an especially acute sense of smell. The darkness wouldn't deter the zombies, but the same couldn't be said of the humans! Without light, they would have no sense of direction. What was worse was that they wouldn't even be able to figure out how many zombies there were!