Never Give Up

Zhang Hongtao didn't know where his strength to fight suddenly came from. Although he almost fainted, he tried his best to reach the mouth of the zombie and close it. However, the big mouth of the zombie was getting closer and closer to his neck.

Zhang Hongtao felt desperate. Suddenly, he felt that he shouldn't be playing the hero just because Shen Chen needed him to be one. He had his son Duoduo, who was waiting for him to come back. If he died, how could Duoduo survive?

Duoduo had lost his mother, and Zhang Hongtao was now the only family Duoduo had in the world. Even in heaven, Zhang Hongtao wouldn't be able to bear seeing Duoduo live as a parentless orphan.

Zhang Hongtao let out a loud shout. Strength suddenly came into his hands, and he pushed the zombie's head away. The zombie immediately gave a roar. The food that had been easy to get to before was now suddenly difficult to reach. The zombie screamed and threw itself on Zhang Hongtao again.