Wear This Shirt for Now

Seeing the two men running toward them with atrocious expressions and switchblades in their hands, Xiao Luo was speechless. He turned to Zhang Dashan and mumbled, "So, you'll go handle them?"

"Why me? You're the most capable fighter. Of course, it should be you! I'll cheer you on from the car," Zhang Dashan answered promptly.

"You said that you were going to save her. I didn't say anything," Xiao Luo shot back disdainfully.

Seeing the two men coming closer and closer, Zhang Dashan became very anxious. "Hey, bro," he said, "don't p*ss out at this critical moment. If they smash my car, then I'll kill myself in front of you."

"Go ahead then. Kill yourself. Hurry up!" Xiao Luo said with indifference.

"You are a real as*hole. Are we still brothers or not? Saying something like that can easily get you struck by lightning, you know."