So It Was You

As the two members of the mixed martial arts club were chatting, a colossal hand quietly came to rest on one of their shoulders. The guy's hair was dyed blonde, and he felt his shoulder sink as if a giant mountain were pressing down on him. His body listed heavily to one side. When he turned his head, his eyes fell on a gloomy profile as chilling as snow.

"Xiao Luo?"

The boys' faces changed in a flash. They couldn't believe that Xiao Luo had appeared in this place at this moment.

Xiao Luo declared faintly, "Which of these guys went to beat up my roommates at the seventh dormitory tonight? Please, point them out to me."

Hearing this, the blonde guy snapped out of his shock. But when he remembered that this place was the mixed martial arts club's territory meaning that his allies were all over the place, his courage surged. The blonde boy shouted, "Who the hell are you? Why should I listen to you? Get your hand off my shoulder!"