Chasing the Escapees

It did not take long for the strong one-eyed man from the Red Scorpion Mercenary Corps with the code name Eagle to arrive at the scene with ten other members in full combat gear. Seeing the heavily injured black man, the one-eyed man sprinted over to deliver emergency first-aid.

"Black Tail, what happened here? Where's the target?" the strong one-eyed man asked urgently.

Gritting his teeth, the black man known as Black Tail answered, "The enemy was hiding an ace up their sleeve. Everyone else in our squad was killed in action."

"Sh*t! How did this happen?" Eagle punched himself hard in the thigh in frustration before continuing, "Which way did they go?"

Black Tail pointed in the direction where Xiao Luo had gone. "East!"

Eagle waved to the rest of his men. "Two of you stay behind with Black Tail. The rest of you are with me!"

"Yes sir," the group replied in unison.