Downcast Men

"I'm going to add another criterion. If you agree to it, then I will transfer Luo's Workshop to your name. Hereafter, it will become your personal company that belongs solely to you. How about that?" Chu Yunxiong said with a smile. However, he was hiding too many things behind that smirk, so Xiao Luo couldn't distinguish his genuine thoughts.

"Tell me about it," said Xiao Luo.

Chu Yunxiong picked up the IOU in front of him. Vibrant lights danced in his turbid, older eyes as he said, "Didn't you already promise me 600 million dollars in profits one year from now? Now, let's add another term. If you fail to pay back the 600 million after a year, you will come to work at the Chongshan House."

Chu Yunxiong's motive was apparent. He wanted Xiao Luo to remain under his control and work for him.