Caught in a Gunfight

Meanwhile, at the hospital, almost every inch of Wang Tiechui's body was wrapped in white bandages. He lay on the hospital bed like an Egyptian mummy.

He had taken a beating from more than 500 angry workers and was riddled with broken bones and open wounds. His most grievous injury had been dealt by the man who'd pleaded with Zhang Dashan. He'd smashed open Wang Tiechui's head with a brick.

When he awoke from his coma, he saw Xiao Luo standing at the foot of his bed with his arms behind his back. He shivered in fear, withering before Xiao Luo's frigid stare, which made him feel like he had fallen into an icy crevasse.

He asked in a panic, "You. What are you do-doing here?"

He had never seen anyone with such a fearsome look in all his life.

Xiao Luo peered down at him with a domineering gaze then said nonchalantly, "I am only going to ask you this once. Answer me honestly, or you die!"