A Little Cute

Xiao Luo followed Gu Qianlin back to the police station. After they finished with the inquisition and making a record, Xiao Luo stood up and bid her farewell.

"Xiao Luo, who are you exactly?" Gu Qianlin stared at Xiao Luo with her big eyes as she asked him the same question as Red Scorpion had.

Xiao Luo smiled then replied, "I'm a law-abiding citizen."

"You know that's not that I'm asking."

With pursed lips, Gu Qianlin said solemnly, "According to the records of Fang Chongqiang and others, you were also present that day when Chu Yue was assaulted and the 17 Red Scorpion Mercenary Corps were killed. You did that, right?"

As soon as she said that, the cops nearby gaped at them with shocked faces. Did the 17 Red Scorpion Mercenary Corps really perish at this kid's hands? How was such a thing possible? He looked ordinary, and his body was not even sculpted. How could he have possibly killed 17 monsters with specialized training?
