Mighty Like God

"So, it is you. I already thought as much. Since you've come, we will settle our new affairs together with the old ones. You didn't need to die, actually. But now, you have to, together with your five hillbilly friends. Hehe…" the man with a bullet-shaped head grinned and stared at Xiao Luo.

Guo Jianghu, who was sitting on his throne, raised his voice and demanded, "Bao, who's that?"

"Brother Hu, it's that lucky bastard Manager Geng told us about. The one who won more than two million at our casino," the man with a bullet-shaped head turned and replied.

Guo Jianghui took a forceful bite of his popsicle and spoke while chewing, "Ah. It looks like they're all gathered here!"

Xiao Luo gazed at Guo Jianghu indifferently and shouted, "These five men belong to me now. All of you, scram as fast as you can!"

Scram? As fast as you can?!