Decision to Eradicate All Evil

"A worm, you say?"

Twice, Xiao Luo sneered, "Uh-huh. Interesting."

At that very moment, Feng Wuhen expended all his remaining strength to hurl the machete in his hands at Xiao Luo. He shouted, "Big Brother!"

Xiao Luo's benevolence, might, and imposing disposition had caused him to yield willingly. The cry, 'Big Brother,' came from the bottom of his heart.

The machete twirled in the air toward Xiao Luo. Xiao Luo, who was twiddling around with Guo Jianghu, steadied his face as he channeled all his might into his right leg. He had already acquired the football ability, so he acted at the precise moment when the tip of the machete pointed toward Guo Jianghu to punt the blade's handle with his right foot. Forceful energy surged outward.


The machete instantly morphed into one of those flying swords seen in fantasy worlds. It sliced its way through space like a gleaming lightning bolt, advancing toward Guo Jianghu with intent to kill.