Battle of Words

Inside the magnificent courtroom that was filled with a dignified air, all the people present were very solemn. The presiding judge and two other judges were sitting up high, followed by the clerk and assistant to the judge, and finally the cold and serious bailiff.

The plaintiff and the defendant were set up at both sides of the room, their positioning making it clear to everyone in the room that they were in opposition. This hearing would play a pivotal role in determining which way the scales of justice would tip.

Zhang Dashan, Li Zimeng and another female assistant sat at the plaintiff's table...

It was the first time he was in a courtroom, and now he was taking up the role of a legal counsel, so there was no way he would not be nervous. However, he could hear Xiao Luo's voice in his ear which helped to steady his emotions, and he was taking deep breaths, making an effort to calm himself.