
Lying there in the dark, He Ruanliang's rotund form was a bleeding mess, his wide eyes with fear as sweat ran down his thick, chinless face. He stared at Xiao Luo's depraved smile in abject terror, to the point he dared not even breathe. Those four short words from Xiao Luo told him everything he needed to know about what was about to happen to him. Wasn't this the man who single-handedly confronted the Dragon Gang in the September 12th incident? Gang enforcer, Guo Jianghu had led more than a hundred of his fighters against Xiao Luo. But the Red Cudgel was defeated and killed along with all his gang members that fateful night.

He had heard from an inside source he had in the JC that a single fighter had annihilated an entire group of gangsters in that incident. By some providence, he had been helped through certain actions taken by JC.

Could the twelve-nine incident have anything to do with this man?