Using Balls as a Threat

"Madam Gu, Xiao Luo went to Long Sankui's Yellow Skies Casino."

As Zhang Dashan's white Corolla stopped at the Yellow Skies Casino's entrance, a black car behind them stopped not far away. The two plain-clothes police officers in the vehicle immediately reported the situation to Gu Qianlin.

To gather evidence of Xiao Luo's transgressions against the law, Gu Qianlin had placed him under strict surveillance, or as her subordinates put it, "the dumbest and most straightforward method." This meant monitoring around the clock; whenever Xiao Luo went or took action, a message would be passed to her immediately.

Holding the handphone at the other end of the line, Gu Qianlin took a moment to ponder, before giving the order. "Continue monitoring him, report to me at once if he does anything unusual!"

"Yes, madam!" came the reply.

The officer nodded forcefully and hung up the call.