The Banquet


A voice exclaimed in surprise from among a group of executives at the headquarter of the NSA. If it was indeed another person, that would mean that there was another computer genius besides Bai Ling in Hua Nation – Mie.

BaiLing was burning with curiosity about the enigmatic Mie, who had repelled the massive cyberattacks launched by hostile foreign forces. She typed and asked, "What's your real name?"

Xiao Luo smiled and replied, "Is BaiLing your real name?"

He didn't say anything else and logged out of his browser after responding to Bai Ling.

"You rascal. How dare you drop out of our conversation like this."

Determined, Bai Ling immediately keyed in several more codes, trying to trace Mie's IP address. But a firewall instantly appeared and blocked her access. This same firewall that was used to thwart the massive cyberattacks on the national internet gateway. She couldn't find any backdoors to force her way through his security measures.