I Am Lei Feng

When the car slowed down, arriving at the junction, all seemed well. Then unexpectedly and without any warning, a huge truck sped over from its right, colliding with the white Corolla Xiao Luo in a horrendous crash. With force equivalent to the weight of a mountain, the accident would surely be fatal.


Amid a deafening blast, the white Corolla was smashed entirely, its middle section caving in like cardboard. Glass fragments shattered into a thousand pieces littering the crash site.

The car was thrown about 40 meters from the point of impact, rolling several times before coming to a rest. A path of destruction was strewn with debris along where the vehicle was thrown.

On the empty street, the badly damaged car laid on its side, with its horn wailing incessantly in mourning, piercing through the quiet of the night.