Feng Yuqi's Plan

Standing on her chair, the woman only rose a little taller than Xiao Luo. She placed her hands aggressively on the hips and cursed at Xiao Luo like a furious witch. The words she spewed were filled with foul invectives and disgusting, inappropriate references to his entire ancestral line; all in all, she was quite a nasty piece of work.

"Enough. You're in a police station. I can charge you with insulting police officers if you keep going like this!" Old Zhang let out a dry cough and reminded her.

The woman became even more aggressive and said, "Insulting police officers? Stop talking to me in this bureaucratic tone. How dare this d*mn auxiliary police call himself a police officer? He's no more than a fart in my eyes!"

Xiao Luo smiled and turned around without saying a further word.