Another Billow

Jia Zhengyi's weak response to Xiao Luo's post was telling. It clearly showed who had won and who had lost their joust on social media.

Chu Yunxiong couldn't help laughing, "Xiao Luo… he really surprises me!"

He had never expected that Xiao Luo would throw down the gauntlet. Jia Zhengyi was a celebrity in his own right, and taking him on one-on-one was no mean feat. And on top of that, to toy with the rest of his followers with such witty remarks was utterly brutal, and really a treat to all who followed them on Weibo.

Ge Zhongtian was equally impressed, and laughing along, he said, "Yes, he has a way with words. Even I would admit defeat."

"Able to trample over a talk show host, now that's what I call power."