The height to look up to

Everyone looked absolutely astonished. Exactly how did Xiao Luo come to know Chu Yunxiong? And what kind of relationship did he have with such a distinguished figure, a man who was at the very top of the business hierarchy? And for Chu Yunxiong to make such a grand gesture on account of Xiao Luo came as a complete shock!

The very people who had earlier lectured Xiao Luo on his perceived shortcomings, suddenly felt rather awkward as they realized that they might have made themselves look a tad silly.

Guo Qinghe's expression was hard to decipher, but he almost looked dejected. He found it jarring that someone else in the group had done better than him. Due to his long history of success and as the accepted leader of their alma mater, he took this as a slight to his dignity.

He asked, very eagerly, "Ermm, may I ask if you know anything about the relationship between our classmate and Boss Chu?"