Old Man and a Riddle

Tan Ningfu was exasperated and duly reported the situation to the purser, who then confronted the passenger concerned. The tall, scrawny young man was firmly asked to refrain from further harassing the cabin staff as it prevented them from carrying out their inflight duties. When the other passengers in the first-class cabin heard what was going on, they made sneering remarks and expressed contempt towards his behavior. One woman even spoke out loudly, "The moral degeneration of the world is getting worse by the day. Trying to flirt with a girl on board a plane even when she's busy working? Who does he think that he is, Wu Yanzu[1]?"

The tall, scrawny young man felt a little uneasy, and he thought, is wooing a girl even a sin?

But evidently, he wasn't a person who could tolerate boredom. A short while later, he started introducing himself to Xiao Luo from across the aisle, acting as if they knew each other.