
"Sima Yi appeared to have fallen for Zhuge Liang's empty-city stratagem, but in reality, he only pretended to fall for it, and this proved his superior wisdom beyond doubt. What do you think, Senior Xiao?"

Having presented her argument eloquently, Guan Yilin posed the question to Xiao Luo. She had her unique insight into the story of the Three Kingdoms, and she was confident that Xiao Luo would fail to counter it with a compelling riposte. She expected him to make a fool of himself and be ridiculed by everyone. As she awaited his response, she could already anticipate getting some satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment from it.

Her convincing arguments swayed the students of engineering management class.

Guan Tong said, "What you said is reasonable and very convincing, but, hey, this is a class meeting, what do you mean by switching the topic to the Three Kingdoms?"