
Guan Yilin was hastily working on the engine blueprint. When she caught a glimpse of Xiao Luo's screen, she couldn't resist a snort and even shot him a look of contempt.

Looking on, Yu Jiangu was worried about Xiao Luo and broke out in cold sweat. He muttered, "What the hell is he trying to do? Does he really not know where to start?"

"Guan Yilin has already completed one-third of the drawing."

"She's indeed our scholar-queen. That speed of hers is incredible!"

"Haha, looks like our senior is going to lose to Guan Yilin."

The classroom was abuzz with murmurs, and many there felt that the writing was on the wall. There would be no head-to-head finish to this race, Guan Yilin would definitely come out ahead.